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A clinical comparison of the Johnson & Johnson Acuvue, the Barnes Hind Calendar and the Bausch & Lomb Medalist disposable contact lenses


We compared the clinical performance of three brands of disposable contact lenses available in Australia by refitting 82 Johnson and Johnson Acuvue wearers with either Barnes-Hind Calendar on Bausch and Lomb Medalist lenses. Subjective lens assessments were analysed with regard to patient factors. Many of these factors were not significant for predicting the success of a lens but overall lens preference and preference on the basis of comfort, handling and quality of vision were predictable from a history of keratitis, wearing mode or lens power. However, high individual variations did not occur. Fitting success is improved by following some simple guidelines but is maximised only by trialing more than one lens type.

Clin Exp Optom 1994; 77:264-271

Konrad Pesudovs, BSc Optom and
Anthony J Phillips, MPhil, FBCO, FBOA,

Westbourne Park, South Australia

Accepted for publication: 1994

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Key words: Vision, Keratitis, history, Contact lenses, Lenses


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